Thursday 25 November 2010

Production :Analysis of atleast one sequence from rough cut

After watching our rough cut we have been able to point out the positive and negative features of our music video. The positive comments we received from our teacher & classmates were that the storyline of our music video was very clear , they were eager to find out what was going to happen in the end and the narrative went really well with the song. Another feature they were very happy was the editing, it went really well with the fast paced beat, they liked the transition between the performance and narrative, the scene they like the most was when the boy had a memory of taking a picture of him and his girlfriend and this was clearly shown through the black and white effect. They also liked the fact that the performers looked the part , the singers were wearing dresses , high heels and make up which showed that we had done some research on girl band conventions.

So overall we had a lot of positive feedback however we did have some faults. Our main problem was the lighting.


As you can see the lighting is different in the mid shot of the group  and this is due to our group mistakenly leaving the camera filter on which lead to our footage being very dark and unfortunately we will not be able to use these shots for our real music video. However luckily we noticed this and we had a lot of footage to replace the dark shots with because if we had not we would be suffering a lot right now. In order to improve this we will only be using the shots with the same lighting so we can keep it consistent through out.

Another problem we had was our teachers and our class mates failing to understand the making of the making of our video.

One of our initial ideas was to portray the making of the making of our music video by behind the scenes footage , i.e putting on make up , reading the lyrics and showing another camera recording us from a different angle. However this wasn't made clear to our teachers and classmates , they thought we had mistakenly inserted this scenes. So as a group we have decided not to use the making of making as we have enough shots to use and we have a strong narrative , using these extra scenes may make it confusing to our viewers.

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