Saturday 13 November 2010

PRODUCTION - Photos From Second Session

As we have mentioned on our previous posts, we as a group have decided to film our whole music video again due to some faults from our first trial of filming such as: the dark lighting and the blurred shots from our narrative.

Here are the two slideshows that consist photos from our second trial of filming of the performance and the narrative.

As you can see, we changed some of our ideas. We used our media studio in college. We thought that it would not be time consuming and this setting is more comfortable as we are already familiar with the equipments in the room.  and used a black background, matches with the black dresses but also in contrast with the red which makes the girl group stand out. This time, we made sure that we used the lighting wisely. There were about 4 lightings across the studio which is an improvement compared to our first filming.

We used two cameras with tripods to show our idea of 'The making of the making' of our music video. We also used a black leather carpet to make the black background consistent, as the original carpet's colour is blue.

For our narrative, we did not change much, instead we filmed more shots. The setting is still in Southbank. From our first filming of the narrative, our media teacher advised us to wear something bright and eye-catching especially when we are filming outdoors with a lot of people, so that the audience will be able to recognise who they are following in the music video and so we did take this advise and decided for our actor to wear white coat and a pink/grey jacket for our actress. 

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