Friday 17 December 2010

( PLANNING) Short list of fonts, colours, layout and design ideas

After agreeing on a name for our girl band we then agreed on using 3 colours ( red, black and white) for our digipaks and adverts so that the audience can see the link between the different versions and so that they might want to collect/buy them.

These are the potential fonts that may be used in my media products, as you can see they are all quite big and bold but i want the font to look quite sophisticated as this will match the image of the girlband. 

The image below shows the main layout for the design of my digipak , so i tryed placing all the fonts to see which one went best with my design and i was really happy with this font .. its called Engravers MT.

I didnt know whether to use the same font through out my digipak so i asked for my teachers opinion and she told me that i should compare it with another font that i liked and thats what the image below shows , so after making a few comparisons i decided to keep the same font.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Analysis of 3 advertisements relating to our genre (Research)

An Advertisement Online
The theme colours used are very different compared to their album cover. It has more soft, bright and feminine colours such as pink, white and blue. The font of the text 'SUGABABES' is similar with the font on their digipak however the colours are again different. Already, you can see a visual link between their product and their advert. Another visual link is the gestures of the girl group, I have noticed that it is similar with the gestures that they used on their digipak, but they did this differently on the advert by switching it with a different member. Also, they have included a small photo of their front cover on the bottom right corner of this advert that reminds the audience what album they are promoting regardless of the different layout that is used.

A video advert of their album 'Sweet 7'

I am fortunate to have found this video advert of their album on youtube. The whole video is very similar and it links very much with their digipak in terms of the background,theme colours, the clothes that are used and the whole setting. They have also included a voice over that introduces the girl group and their songs, and the name of the store and the store's website to where the audience could order their album.

               Similar Posters but from different countries

The original poster is the one on my right hand side. The background is full of unkown people which links to what they are promoting 'A TOUR'. It gives the audience an insight of the things that they can look forward to in this tour. Placing the solo artist at the centre with a round steel prop around her makes her the main focal point and tells the audience who 'LADY GAGA' is and also sets up the energy level because of its unusual appeal.
I have chosen a similar poster but from a different country which is seen through the text because of its different used of language. I chose this poster because it has more informations about the tour and they have included a small photo of the front cover of Lady Gaga's digipak which is conventional for these kind of adverts, again to remind people of the album. Locations, dates of the tour are included, websites of the artist are also there on the left hand side that could help the audience to browse through her current news, events and photos.

Unfortunately, I could not find any adverts that relates to their digipak. However, I found a magazine that links to the genre of our music video 'POP'. Our ideal target audience are young women who likes make up, current fashion trend, shoes and heels, accessories, bags and more. This is our ideal target audience because our music video are formed by a 'girl group', and a narrative that tells a story of an ordinary scenario in a girl's life. This magazine cover links with our ideal target audience, because it screams out the word 'femininity', the pink clothes and lipsticks, the make ups, the wavy and straight curly hair. The font colours of the texts matches with their clothes. The masthead is also bold,bright and pink which can easily attract a young woman. Layering the girl group on top of the masthead and covering the whole front page is also cleverly done, since they are a well known band. No text is covering any of the artists' face, the texts are all aligned around, on top or beneath the artists. Also, because of their whole appearances, it also screams out 'FASHION', and this advertised by the big white font on the bottom left hand side of the magazine. 

Monday 6 December 2010

RESEARCH; Anayisis of Three Digipaks

Pixie Lott; Turn It Up Louder

Pixie Lott's digipak can be seen as simple as only three different colours have been used pink, black and white. It has also been kept simple as only two different fonts have been used, the pink girly hand writing font is to establish the artists name 'Pixie Lott' , also that is how the artist is established everywhere else; I think by doing this is personalises the digipak and brings her personality through.
The close up image on the front cover is  there to engage her audiences and to make them want to buy it, the close up image also shows emotion. I think the image on the back cover is showing a different view to her for example the image on the front cover she looks young and just a little bit vunerable whereas on the back cover she looks strong, seductive almost as if she is calling you in to buy her album.

 Sugababes; Catfights and Spotlights

This can also be seen as simple as yet again only three colours have been used; white, beige and brown. To keep it all the same the same font has been used throughout this follows the 'two different font convention'. The artist group name is in capitals but so is the album title, but the album title is in bold so that the audience can tell the difference between the group name and the album name. There is only one image on this digipak which is a close up of the girl band. Girl groups usually depend on there image. The close up has been used to show emotion to engage the audiences.

Beyonce; I Am Sasha Fierce

From when you first look at this you can see that the artist is the main focus as she is right in the middle and her name and album title are in the left hand corner at the bottom of the panel.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

RESEARCH - Analysis Of Three Advertisements

The genre of which our music video belongs to is Pop so below are three examples of advertisment of artists within the music genre and how they vary with the use of media codes and conventions which will help with the my advertisement

RESEARCH - Analysis Of Three Digipaks

The genre of which our music video belongs to is Pop so below are three examples of digipaks of artists within the music genre and how they vary with the use of media codes and conventions which will help with the my digipak.

Estelle - Shine
ESTELLE. I particularly like the graphics used to emphasis Estelle's presence on the Digipak as she is not wearing colours used on the background, however, her outfit is used as the font colour for her name, which shows the link between the two. The effects used not only attract the attention of the audience, but it also allows the name of the album 'Shine' to connect with Estelle 'shining', which too, creates a link between what the album is called and what the album is trying to do. Successfully, the outbursts of colours - which work well though there is more than the maximum use of 3 colours - behind Estelle demonstrate the vibrant genre she sings of, pop, which from buying the digipak, the audience are aware of what type of music she produces.
The alimement of writing is in a clear position where there is a black background which allows it to be seen clearly, and does not create confusion, therefore it is pleasant to view. In addition, the font used for the writing is bold, sofisticated and attractive which the genre pop is about; it helps to illustrate the personality of Estelle as a strong, young female British artists, and allows the audience to have a connection with her. The image is in focus which indicates it is clear and has an appropriate shape to is, which shows careful consideration was taking when editing this digipak.
LILY ALLEN. The simplicity of this digipak effectively appeals to its audience as it is still atrractive though with minor editing, such as Lily Allen resting on the 'L' from her name. The large font not only allows the buyer to see her album from far, and be able to read it, it is also aligned in the centre of the digipak in black, which emphasises the boldness of the writing and the bold personality the artists has. With careful observation, you are able to see the use of different colours behind each letter which highlights each one and adds to the 'attention grabbing' of the audience. The use of Lily Allen sitting on her own writing is a creative way of displaying the connection between the artist and her name and allows individuals who are unaware of this artist to know who she is. The use of no graphics is no problem as this digipak still acts as an appealing product for its audience and with the use of a plain background, it allows the audience to pay more attetion to the position of the artist on the 'L' and what the name of her album is called. The use of a clear image allows the digipak to look clear which makes it easier for her audience to view.

Start Without You. ALEXANDRA BURKE. Immediately, we are appealed to the use of a close-up image of the artists of this digipak - hence how considerably clear the image is, rather than out of focus - in effect, it grabs hold the attention of the audience, and gives a sense of force, for a buyer to buy the digipak as it is so striking. The use of the artist from the shoulder to her head is in proportion with the digipak itself and with the use of writing going across her. The use of luminous colours creates an exciting and vibrant atmopshere, which describes the genre of the songs she produces, creating a link between the digipak and her music. The captured effect of her hair getting blown to the side adds to motion to the still image and right away, gets the audience in the mood to listen to her music. The positioning of the writing is good as it does not cover her face, yet is stil visable as the font colour used does not hide it or allow the audience to miss it. The use of CAPITAL illustrates the boldness and seriousness of the digipak which connects with the emotionless facial expression made by the artist. The name of the album, 'START WITHOUT YOU' relates to the digipak as Alexandra is pictured alone with a confident, straight head position. With the use of the middle third of the digipak, it allows the audience to see her first when they view the digipak and captures there attention.