Monday 6 December 2010

RESEARCH; Anayisis of Three Digipaks

Pixie Lott; Turn It Up Louder

Pixie Lott's digipak can be seen as simple as only three different colours have been used pink, black and white. It has also been kept simple as only two different fonts have been used, the pink girly hand writing font is to establish the artists name 'Pixie Lott' , also that is how the artist is established everywhere else; I think by doing this is personalises the digipak and brings her personality through.
The close up image on the front cover is  there to engage her audiences and to make them want to buy it, the close up image also shows emotion. I think the image on the back cover is showing a different view to her for example the image on the front cover she looks young and just a little bit vunerable whereas on the back cover she looks strong, seductive almost as if she is calling you in to buy her album.

 Sugababes; Catfights and Spotlights

This can also be seen as simple as yet again only three colours have been used; white, beige and brown. To keep it all the same the same font has been used throughout this follows the 'two different font convention'. The artist group name is in capitals but so is the album title, but the album title is in bold so that the audience can tell the difference between the group name and the album name. There is only one image on this digipak which is a close up of the girl band. Girl groups usually depend on there image. The close up has been used to show emotion to engage the audiences.

Beyonce; I Am Sasha Fierce

From when you first look at this you can see that the artist is the main focus as she is right in the middle and her name and album title are in the left hand corner at the bottom of the panel.

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