Friday 21 January 2011

EVALUATION - Q4) What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

EVALUATION; What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

At the cinema we experienced a few technological problems when it came to showing our video , due to this our music video didn't get played; however we still managed to get feed back from the people in our class. 

Here is what I thought I learnt and what I could change if we was to do it again. 

Thursday 20 January 2011

EVALUATION 4. What have you learned from your audience feedback ?

                                           Audience feedback

( i had to upload my video to youtube as i was having problems with final cut pro)

Screenshots of audience ratings on Vimeo 

(Evaluation) Question 4: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

From the feedback that we have had, we are very pleased with the positive and pleasant reactions of our audience.

Unfortunately, we do not have a video of our audience giving us feedback after the cinema screening. Due to some technological problems, our music video was not shown in the cinema, so instead, we were given the chance by our teachers to watch everybody’s music video again during our media class, and from there, we received some written feedback .

One person wrote that we used great match cuts and a good range of camera angles. Another person also wrote that the costumes work well with the mise-en-scene and this person also mentioned the storyline and the performance of the girl group  and said that it works well following generic conventions of songs genre.  

However, we also got some feedback about the things that we could improve on  to make our music video even better. Again, from the written feedback that we received, someone mentioned that the performance of the girl group could have been better. I would agree with this comment, as a group, we were already aware of this when we were editing our music video, the reason for this is we were lacking of energy due to the amount of times that we had to re-film both the girl group performance and also the narrative. But I would say that despite of the amount of times that we had to re-film , it made our music video even better as we improved and corrected our mistakes such as; bringing lights to prevent having scenes with dark lightings and also checking the auto and manual photos to prevent blurred shots.

Another person said that we could have added colour effects for the mood. We were also aware of this, as we thought that some scenes looked dull, but because of the lack of time that we had, we only had the time to add some colour effects on the quick cuts of the locations in the beginning of our music video.
By reading some of these written feedback, I am glad that we have reached our audience expectations. Also, if I am asked to give some feedback for our music video, as part of the audience, I would also comment on the performance of the girl group, and the colour effects. But if I was able to do this again, I would maybe choose a better setting, encourage the girl group to give more energy with their performance, as they are the ones who will attract the audience and maybe experiment and use more of my editing skills.

Link to vimeo with audience ratings

Tuesday 18 January 2011

EVALUATION 3. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

EVALUATION 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts ( digipak and advertisement ) ?

Monday 17 January 2011

EVALUATION 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

The video belows are the ones that influenced me alot.

Images of Digipaks and advertisements that have influenced the style and design of my products.

screenshots of the ideas we have taken from the original video and how we made it in to our own

We made it our own by focusing on the shoes , the red lipstick etc

EVALUATION - Q3) How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction & Research, Planning & Evaluation Stages?

Below Is Our Animatic That We Produced In Hope Of How Our Music Video Would Look Like...

To Add To The Video, I Would Like To Elaborate On How I Used Media Technologies In The Construction & Research, Planning & Evaluation Stages...

We found the music track to use for our music video on Youtube by searching the name of our artist and the name of the song. Youtube contributed towards the research and planning of our coursework as we used this website to influence us on what artists to use and from which genre. Having searched different artists and coming to the final decision of using Sugababes, it opened to us different versions of the song we used, but we came to a final decision by listening to a number of the songs and nominating which version suited us. We also used Youtube to search different music video's to give us an idea on what our narrative would come out by searching 'Love Songs'
Google was used to carry out research on information about the artist we based our music video on so we could grasp on ideas on the personality of the artists so we'd know how to play their roles. After searching the name of our artists, their official websites and links to Youtube to watch their music video came up which gave us access to work they have produced. Google allowed us to browse other websites to learn more about the convention expected of such a genre which helped us to illustrate it in our own music video. It also allowed us to research on ideas to influence us for our ancillary texts.

I used Blogger to upload evidence of work I have produced which went towards my research, planning and production. I used blogger by creating new posts, tagging myself to individual and group work, uploading images to show research and planning, screenshots of the progress I have made over time since the beginning of my coursework and videos relevant to tasks given to do such as the production of our music video. Each post would have its own title so it is easy to identify which question I am answering and whether it contributes towards the Planning, Research Or Production part of my coursework.

Prezie was used as a different way of presenting the research I put into my coursework; I used it by uploading images I had found relating to the title question, videos of my production work and texts to evaulate my work and to explain what I have put onto the presentation. I changed the size and alignment of items added onto my Prezie presentations it to make it interesting and more appealing. I used the presentation method for a number of question througout my course and even for one of my evauluation questions to experiment wityh media technology.

EVALUATION - Q2) How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product (Video) & Ancillary Texts (Digipaks & Advertisements)?

Sunday 16 January 2011

(Evaluation) Question 3: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Here, I will briefly explain the media technologies that I have used:

Final Cut Pro: We used split screen to depict both of the characters' reactions, facial expressions and actions in one scene and also to show the concept of the narrative.

Razer cut was heavily used in our editing as we used this to cut the scenes and the song to the beat and also to trim some scenes.

We used fade ins and fade outs to blend each scenes. We adjusted the speed and turned it in to slow motion, again to emphasise the characters' facial expression and actions. We used desaturated effect to show that a scene happened from the past. Box slides were used to split the walking scenes of the girl group which cuts to the beat and adds to its fast pace.

Screenshots of Final cut pro and Photoshop

Photoshop and Quark 

As I have mentioned on my video I used Photoshop to edit my digipak and advertisement. I used the selection tool to copy and paste it into another layer. I used the elipse tool to create the cd template (the round shape). For the font of 'The Martiniques' I first typed in the text and chose the font Bernard MT Condensed font. Then I changed the font colours to red and black. And in order for me to get the stripes effect, I selected filter - sketch - halftone paper which was shown on the video above. I used the paint bucket tool to change the colour of the background. Brushes to choose different designs such as the swirls. 

In quark I only used the text tool to add the spines on my digipak. I also used the picture content tool to mark where I am going to import my digipak. 

To add
We have also used prezi for our pitch as it allows us to combine photos, texts and videos in one presentation. It is much easier to use and to browse through the things that we have done. 

Animatic Storyboard
 I have used Windows Movie Maker to produce this animatic storyboard. It consist of photos of the girl group and the characters in order for us to depict or give an insight to our teachers and audience what our music video is going to be or look like.

(Evaluation) Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisement)?

Screen shots from Music Video (Focusing on the mise-en-scene; Theme colours, the whole look of the girl group which links with my Digipak and Advertisement)

Front cover of my Digipak 

Links with

My Advertisement

Saturday 15 January 2011

(Evaluation) Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This is another music video by a student that influenced us with having the idea of 'THE MAKING OF THE MAKING OF A MUSIC VIDEO.' We used this idea right in the beginning of our music video with a darker lighting, the girl group getting ready and the director comes in to the shot and cuts and starts the real video. We were supposed to use this idea throughout the video, but realizing that we had enough footage of the performance of the girl group and the narrative, we decided to only use it once as the audience might get confused and assume that some of the making of the making ideas that we had are not meant to be included.

My Digipak:

Sugababes Digipak:

My Advertisement:

Images of Adverts from real artists that influenced my own Advertisement:

Friday 14 January 2011

EVALUATION; How Did You Use Media Technologies in the Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

This year we used Final Cut Pro differently to how it was used last year. In A2 we used more of the razor cut tool than we did before; the razor cut tool was used to edit the music video to the beat which was a very long process. 


We also used split screen which is also something we didn't use last year. we decided to use spilt screen to show emotions and both different characters at the same time. This was also done to show the concept of the video; when the girl and the keep missing each other. 

 Photoshop and Quark

I used photoshop to edit my photos that I would use on my digipak and advertisement. For instance I used the Magic Wand Tool to cut the image out of the background so that I could place it on a different background. 

This image is showing that part of the image has been selected so that it can then be copied and pasted into. below is a few screen shots showing how you do this. 

 In Quark I used the image box to import a picture then if the picture was too big I pressed command.F.4 to fit it to size. 
This is the image tool box

I also used Quark to insert text to my products as I wasn't sure if i wanted to do it on photoshop.