Friday 14 January 2011

EVALUATION; How Did You Use Media Technologies in the Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

This year we used Final Cut Pro differently to how it was used last year. In A2 we used more of the razor cut tool than we did before; the razor cut tool was used to edit the music video to the beat which was a very long process. 


We also used split screen which is also something we didn't use last year. we decided to use spilt screen to show emotions and both different characters at the same time. This was also done to show the concept of the video; when the girl and the keep missing each other. 

 Photoshop and Quark

I used photoshop to edit my photos that I would use on my digipak and advertisement. For instance I used the Magic Wand Tool to cut the image out of the background so that I could place it on a different background. 

This image is showing that part of the image has been selected so that it can then be copied and pasted into. below is a few screen shots showing how you do this. 

 In Quark I used the image box to import a picture then if the picture was too big I pressed command.F.4 to fit it to size. 
This is the image tool box

I also used Quark to insert text to my products as I wasn't sure if i wanted to do it on photoshop. 

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