Sunday 16 January 2011

(Evaluation) Question 3: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Here, I will briefly explain the media technologies that I have used:

Final Cut Pro: We used split screen to depict both of the characters' reactions, facial expressions and actions in one scene and also to show the concept of the narrative.

Razer cut was heavily used in our editing as we used this to cut the scenes and the song to the beat and also to trim some scenes.

We used fade ins and fade outs to blend each scenes. We adjusted the speed and turned it in to slow motion, again to emphasise the characters' facial expression and actions. We used desaturated effect to show that a scene happened from the past. Box slides were used to split the walking scenes of the girl group which cuts to the beat and adds to its fast pace.

Screenshots of Final cut pro and Photoshop

Photoshop and Quark 

As I have mentioned on my video I used Photoshop to edit my digipak and advertisement. I used the selection tool to copy and paste it into another layer. I used the elipse tool to create the cd template (the round shape). For the font of 'The Martiniques' I first typed in the text and chose the font Bernard MT Condensed font. Then I changed the font colours to red and black. And in order for me to get the stripes effect, I selected filter - sketch - halftone paper which was shown on the video above. I used the paint bucket tool to change the colour of the background. Brushes to choose different designs such as the swirls. 

In quark I only used the text tool to add the spines on my digipak. I also used the picture content tool to mark where I am going to import my digipak. 

To add
We have also used prezi for our pitch as it allows us to combine photos, texts and videos in one presentation. It is much easier to use and to browse through the things that we have done. 

Animatic Storyboard
 I have used Windows Movie Maker to produce this animatic storyboard. It consist of photos of the girl group and the characters in order for us to depict or give an insight to our teachers and audience what our music video is going to be or look like.

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