Thursday 20 January 2011

(Evaluation) Question 4: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

From the feedback that we have had, we are very pleased with the positive and pleasant reactions of our audience.

Unfortunately, we do not have a video of our audience giving us feedback after the cinema screening. Due to some technological problems, our music video was not shown in the cinema, so instead, we were given the chance by our teachers to watch everybody’s music video again during our media class, and from there, we received some written feedback .

One person wrote that we used great match cuts and a good range of camera angles. Another person also wrote that the costumes work well with the mise-en-scene and this person also mentioned the storyline and the performance of the girl group  and said that it works well following generic conventions of songs genre.  

However, we also got some feedback about the things that we could improve on  to make our music video even better. Again, from the written feedback that we received, someone mentioned that the performance of the girl group could have been better. I would agree with this comment, as a group, we were already aware of this when we were editing our music video, the reason for this is we were lacking of energy due to the amount of times that we had to re-film both the girl group performance and also the narrative. But I would say that despite of the amount of times that we had to re-film , it made our music video even better as we improved and corrected our mistakes such as; bringing lights to prevent having scenes with dark lightings and also checking the auto and manual photos to prevent blurred shots.

Another person said that we could have added colour effects for the mood. We were also aware of this, as we thought that some scenes looked dull, but because of the lack of time that we had, we only had the time to add some colour effects on the quick cuts of the locations in the beginning of our music video.
By reading some of these written feedback, I am glad that we have reached our audience expectations. Also, if I am asked to give some feedback for our music video, as part of the audience, I would also comment on the performance of the girl group, and the colour effects. But if I was able to do this again, I would maybe choose a better setting, encourage the girl group to give more energy with their performance, as they are the ones who will attract the audience and maybe experiment and use more of my editing skills.

Link to vimeo with audience ratings

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