Saturday 15 January 2011

(Evaluation) Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This is another music video by a student that influenced us with having the idea of 'THE MAKING OF THE MAKING OF A MUSIC VIDEO.' We used this idea right in the beginning of our music video with a darker lighting, the girl group getting ready and the director comes in to the shot and cuts and starts the real video. We were supposed to use this idea throughout the video, but realizing that we had enough footage of the performance of the girl group and the narrative, we decided to only use it once as the audience might get confused and assume that some of the making of the making ideas that we had are not meant to be included.

My Digipak:

Sugababes Digipak:

My Advertisement:

Images of Adverts from real artists that influenced my own Advertisement:

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