Monday 3 January 2011

Do's and Don't' of Design Work

During our Adobe Photoshop Tutorial Lesson for our Digipak, we were shown an example of 'what not to do' on a digipak and we were given a task to re-create a better digipak using the same pictures. and here is my unfinished version of it.

For the front cover, I have manipulated the picture by cropping out the subjects from the white background so that I could move it around the page. I have also selected 'Filter' -> 'Sketch' -> 'Halftone' -> 'Pattern' to have the red-orange outcome. I have chosen this effect as I wanted to make it look vibrant. For the back cover, I have added a swirly shape which looks like a road, barcodes and a company logo. There are still a lot of things that are missing. So here are the Do's and Don't' of Design Work.

- Use clear photos
- Use appropriate colours that links with the whole digipak
- Keep in mind where you put the texts, barcodes, logos, copyright names, dates and images.
- Use clear and appropriate fonts.
- Keep in mind and follow the rule of thirds when taking photographs.
- Keep in mind the sizes of the fonts and images
-Use an appropriate photos and layout that suits your genre.

- Do not forget to include the sides
-Stretch images
-Use too many colours, unless it suits your type of genre
-Use unnecessary effects 
-Use fonts that are too difficult to read and understand.
-Position your texts where it blocks the image of the artist

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