Thursday 14 October 2010

PITCH - QUESTIONS 13 , 14 , 15

13) How do you plan to use digital technology in the production of your 3 products?
For the production of my 3 products I plan to use the Internet as my main source of digital technology. Using the Internet I will be able to research, watch YouTube videos , blog frequently about what I have learnt and researched  , analyse other students work on Vimeo, use other software such as ‘Wordle’ & ‘Prezie’ to present my work. I will be using a digital camera to take pictures of when we are filming or just pictures to show are planning, these pictures will be posted on our blogs. I will use a Camera recorder to film our music video but also I will use it to record comments and give my own personal insight on everything.  I am familiar with using the program Final cut pro, this program will be used this year to construct our music video and create anamatic storyboards, Photoshop & quark will be the programs used to make the advert and digipak for our music video. My blog is very important because it will show the whole planning process, it will have videos, pictures, commentaries about my research.

14) How have you used conventions from real media text in your planning?
When we decided on our song, we watched the video very carefully and we all discussed what we liked and didn’t like. This helped a lot as we were able to decide on our idea for the narrative which is quite similar to the original video. Although our music video has a similar narrative we have made it our own by making sure that there will be more of the girls performance than the boy and girl in the other scene because it is a girl group and we want to make sure that the girls are the main attraction. Other factors that have helped towards our planning is analysing the different shots and camera movement used within the video i.e. the fast movement of the camera , the shots changing to the beat of the song etc, most importantly analysing the girl band , how they move , what they wear and what makes them so attractive to different audiences .For our digipak we plan to compare different girl band digipak so we can see what the conventions are for example the colours , fonts , style of pictures they use so we can have an idea on how to create something similar and most importantly discovering what we can do to grab the audience of attention . Overall we want all of our products to be attractive to our audience so all of our planning will be used efficiently and be of the highest quality.

15) What have you learned about research and planning a production, compared to AS?
I have learnt that in A2 that research and planning is very important, that without it there is no way we can make a music video. We have had to do a lot of more in depth research, from watching different music videos to analysing their narrative and their purpose.  It’s really essential to plan every aspect about creating a music video, the most important aspect would be deciding on the target audience because we have to know how we are going to attract them, everything is based on the target audience. In AS some tasks were avoidable but A2 has taught me that I have to do all of my tasks and make sure I do them on time and keep everything organised because if I don’t  I will fall really behind and this could cause problems with the group as we all have to work together and agree on everything. Also team work is essential in A2, in AS not all the group members would be needed but like I said before all of the group members have to agree on everything and they have to participate in all of the tasks. A2 has been a big step from AS but I have enjoyed it because I have learnt many new ways to present my work ( prezie ) and the planning techniques have helped me for other subjects too.

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