Friday 8 October 2010

RESEARCH; Analysing previous students work

Adam, Lisa, Nasima & Sayvita from 283goswell on Vimeo.

Above is a music video made by a group of students from the year before. I like the way the creators thought about the video.

Genre: Although the song they used doesnt really have a genre it still  fits into the Alternative catergory. 
Audience:The video was suited for everyone as there was many different ages in the video, it is also the type of music that everyone and anyone can listen too. 
Narrative: The girl in the video is the narrator of the song as she is going round to different people trying to spread the message. 
Media Language: Editing is used very well in this video as everything is in black and white apart from her shoes, lips and earings. I think that was done to spread the theme of love as red is the colour that everyone associates with 'love'.
Lots of close ups and low angle shots where used, the low angle shot was to make the narrator seem big. 
Representations:The represattions in this video are that women need and also spread love, just like mothers do.

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