Tuesday 12 October 2010

Task 10: Audience Task

Paul Willis, 1990
"Pop stars are, to some extent, symbolic vehicles with which young women understand themselves more fully, even if by doing so they partly shape their personalities to fit the stars' alleged preferences."
This quote tells us that pop stars are like an icon to their audience's eyes. They tend to imitate their whole identity and behaviour such as: their clothes, hairstyles, make-ups, the way they dance or sing. Pop stars present themselves as the ideal girl that creates strong appeal and influence to their audience, especially if a fan has her insecurities. Pop stars are accepted by many in the society, and this is one of the reasons why young women want to be like them. These young women finds an escapism through their idols' songs, which I would say makes their life easier as they look at them as a guide on how to fit on what is current today.

In my opinion, I both agree and disagree with Paul Willis viewpoint. Young girls (for example: 12-15), most girls would be an active audience as their identity is still not fully developed, whereas young women age 16-24 would likely more to be a passive audience who just focus more on the message of the song. In addition, I still agree with the writer's viewpoint as girls/women cannot prevent idolizing appealing pop stars.

Emerald De Silva
18 years of age

She is a full time college student (A2)
 Part ime job in Dorothy Perkins

Where they buy their groceries


The Daily Mirror





Where they often buy their clothes

Favourite Drink

Where they may like to go on holiday


Tiffany likes this genre/band as she can relate to the meaning of the song, the personality and style of the band.  It gives her a positive atmosphere. Their songs uplifts her while travelling to college or to any destinations that she goes to. It brings her memories of her past with friends. It makes her want to dance with the music. 

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