Friday 1 October 2010

RESEARCH - Applying Andrew Goodwin's Theory With Previous Students Work

Andrew Goodwin's theory states that a successful pop video is built around a a song, has the singer as both the character as well as the narrator and has the singer making direct contact with the viewer to draw in their attention; the music video above by Adam, Lisa, Nasima and Sayvita does so brilliantly through the whole of the music video which means Goodwin's theory is consistently obtained.
The meaning on this song is about love which is not only illustrated the lyrics itself but the video features characters holding up posters with the word 'love' written in bold red; this too helps to illustrate Goodwin's theory.
The video above also contains amplification and illustration as, from the beginning of the music video it is obvious what the theme of the song is about as well as throughout the video, the theme is obtained and the story of the song is told through the lyrics, however there is no narrative.
This video, however, contradicts the expectations of women having to have a sexual attractions for men, in order to help the drive of the video, as well as the male gaze as the singer is covered up; this shows that Goodwin's theory can be played around with but a successful video can still be obtained.

- the video illustrates the lyrcis of the song
- the image, and use of contrasting colours brings the singer to the attention of viewers
- the fast pace beat livens up the atmosphere
- the use of locations varies and creates a pleasant view
- the variation of camera shots plays with the interest of the viewers and keeps tem interested
- the change of shots to the beat quickens the pace and portrays the ability of use Finalcut

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