Thursday 30 September 2010

Research Task 7: Review of the previous student videos

During class, we have watched four music videos from the previous students last year. We analysed each one basing on their Audience, Genre, Narrative, Media Language and Representation.

However, for this video, we only had a discussion. This video stands out for me because of its Media Language, in terms of editing. In my opinion, The audience would be mainly for women, as the subject in the music video is mostly a woman, and the girl is not presented as provocative therefore it would not appeal that much to the boys. The genre has a mixture of pop/techno for the beats. Relating this music video to Andrew Goodwin's theory, this has a disjuncture narrative as there is a very little connection between the lyrics and the music video. It was mostly the subject singing in front of the camera with a little glimpse of a boy. There was only one clip that shows amplifying, this is the clip when the lyrics said 'you can have my checkbook' and the video shows the girl throwing her checkbook to the boy while they are in a separate locations.

As I have said earlier, the media language of this music video is very strong. It has a variety of shots and editing. There are multiple shots of her in one frame, the different colours of each scenes, the transitions i.e. sliding down or upwards, the quick cuts matching the quick beats in the beginning of the music video. The girl's representation in this music video is glamorous because of the settings, the lights on the floor and the bright lights used on different clips. The clothes matches with the setting and the genre of the song. However there were some weaknesses in the music video such the poor lighting or backdrop in some of the clips:

In this clip, the shot is good, however, the black top does not suit the colour of the lighting or neither the backdrop. 

Again, in this clip, the lighting is poor and it looks plain. It looks like one of the practise clips and because from the beginning, the music video started with a strong edit, the viewers/audience would be expecting it to be consistent. 

Overall these are just the few points that I could comment for their weaknesses, but other than these, the overall video is very strong and appealing. 

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