Friday 24 September 2010

(PLANNING)Task 5 : Reflection on lip synch tutorial experience

In todays lesson, we were taught how to ' Lip Synch ' . Lip synching is a technical term for matching lip movements with voice and can refer to any of a number of different techniques and processes.

We used a program called Final cut pro to lip synch and here is where i learnt many new skills as i was completely new to lip synching. I learnt how to upload a soundtrack, mark it and be able to layer it with different videos we had recorded for our karaoke music video.  With final cut pro i  learnt how to use the razor tool when we were choosing what shots we were going to use and i learnt how to use the cutting tool because there were some shots we had to cut to make them smaller.

The most challenging thing for me was marking the soundtrack and the video because if they weren't precise then it wouldn't work and it can be quite confusing so i will have to practise more.Although i think we did good for our first time there is also room for improvement; in our video you will notice that there is a sheet of paper in one of our scenes, none of the group members realised this at time and it was a shame because the footage was good however this shows that we have got to be more aware of our surroundings so it wont happen again. I noticed that editing music videos is different compared with producing the opening to a thriller film because with music videos we have to do layers and we can use base tracks to edit which is much easier whereas with thrillers you would have to use different shots which you cant really repeat and the shots are layed out one after another.

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