Friday 24 September 2010

PLANNING - Lip Synch Tutorial

New Skills Learnt...
...I've actually learnt no new skills, however, the use of Final Cut Pro in A2 with the music video's differs greatly from AS with our thrillers. The image to the right shows how using the software at A2 requires more understanding of what the program can do and what is available to help you with the usage of the program efficiently; it is also essential to know how to layer your different clips which are imported into Final Cut Pro and how to use the razor blade which is used to cut the clips to have different shots featured in the final product.

...Most Challenging Experience
...The whole point of 'Lip Synch' is for the words being sang in the video to be 'mimed' at the same time as the track in order for it to sound right ...imagine if Beyonce - or another infamous artist - had a video where the words followed 2-4 seconds after the mouth manuevere (not a good look!). In order to get it just right, you must select a word that you will use from the original track and use the same word with all the different clips you have and mark it. Once marked, it gets dragged to the timeline and if the markers are in line, the words being sang in the clip will be sang along with the tracksound (see image to the left.) What is so difficult about this task is getting that exact point because being even 2 seconds too slow or too fast can make a noticable difference.

New Tools Used...
...The razor blade and 'marker' are essential tools required to use with our A2 coursework compared to the minimum use we made of them in AS. We have been introduced to these tools before so they are not completely new to us however we will become more famaliar with the tools as it they play an important role for this year.

...Diffence In The Editing For A Music Video Compared To A Thriller Opening
...|The initial difference in editiung for a music video compared to a thriller opening is the layering of clips on top of each other with one sound track; in a thriler opening, you would be expected to film different scences from different angle shots and put the scenes together on Final Cut Pro and use effects to link the shots together. With a music video, it is nearly much easier; you can film as many base tracks as many angle shots as you want, where the whole of a song is filmed at one angle. The collection of clips will then get dragged to Final Cut Pro, the marker (using the method mentioned before) will help to allocate where the clips will be placed along with the track sound, and using a razor blade, you simply cut each clip at a beat - depending on the song - and you then randomly select which clips you want to get rid of, so long as you have one clip left in each row (made from the razor blades) - presd play, and you have a video of continuity, with different angle shots.

Improving Our Lip Synch Tutorial Product...
...I was extremely pleased with the outcome of our first attempt at Lip Synch, however, only after putting the clips together did we notice slight errors such as the one found in the image to right - the paper which had the lyrics on for T'Sharna to read had been caught in the corner of the camera and interferred with the camera, unfortunately, we had to cut out most of the shot though it was an interesting one. We have learnt from this mistake and will remember to stand miles away from the camera!

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