Thursday 23 September 2010

RESEARCH- Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin
Andrew Goodwin believes that narrative stories dont really apply to pop video's this is because pop videos approach narratives from a differnt angle to novels and films.
His reasons for the different narrative structures are;

  • pop video's are made around songs; it is often that songs don't have traditonal structures

  • pop video's use the singer as the narrator and singer

  • the singer in the pop video tends to look into the camera to invole the viewer in the performance.
Pop video's normally rely on repetition, so the video often repeats an image in the same way that the song will repeat the chorus or certain lines. Repetition in songs is also in different parts or different rhythms from other songs. This is called intertextuality: in other words taking parts of songs/video's/rhythms from other people.
Some pop video's are autonomous from the traditional music. The imagery of the song may go futher than it needs to. Some times the video provides a optical satisfaction which encourges repeated viewing which then promotes the music.

Most pop video's often have recognisable features. One of which is the representation of women and how they are presented to be some kind of objects that men wish for, this is more true in 'hip-hop' video's. Although some female artists such as Beyonce present themsleves how they do on purpose, for the males to look at but in there video's they look back at the audience through the camera which seems to be passive.

videos try to appeal to the widest audience as possible with out getting rid of the core target audience.

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