Friday 24 September 2010

(RESEARCH)Task 2 : Summary of the main points of Andrew Goodwin's theory

Andrew Goodwin feels that traditional narrative analyses do not apply to pop videos , he thinks that pop videos approach narrative from a different angle to novels and films. The main reasons for the different narrative structures are :

1. Pop videos are built around songs - and often they do not follow traditional narrative structures ( normality-problem-resolution).

2. The pop video uses the singer both as narrator and as a character.

3. The singer often looks directly at the camera - this is an extension of ( music-hall) performance and trying to involve the viewer at home with the performance.

Pop videos rely on repetition , you will notice that often the video repeats images in the way the songs repeats choruses or lines.  An example of this would be the video used for Ellie Gouldings video , starry eyed.

The repetition in songs of parts or rhythms of other songs ( intertexuality ) means that we become familiar with the genre and have certain expectations for example Ellie Gouldings song , Guns and horses does have a few similarities with her other song starry eyed , the rhythm is similar when she sings the choruses for both songs. Pop songs become very familiar through repetition , they become familiar to us because they are played on TV , played on the radio and might be used to advertise a film.

Pop songs and videos do have a form of closure and ending. The 3 minute single that a video is based on must end and this is often reflected in the structure of the music - it builds to a climax or to a constant repetition before fading away.

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