Wednesday 22 September 2010

RESEARCH - Video Examples of Amplification, Disjuncture & Illustration

ANDREW GOODWIN - Amplification, Disjuncture & Illustration.

According to Andrew Goodwin, there are there types of relations between songs and videos: Amplification, Disjunction & Illustration, and below is an explanation for each term and video to illustrate.
Amplification - the introduction of a video adds emphasis rather than a contradiction with the lyrics.

Dizzie Rascal - 'Holiday' fits the 'Amplification' category because the images of girls dressed in bikini's, the location of a beach and the sunshine adds emphasis on the song title 'Holiday' and the lyrics mentioned about dressing up in a bikini and to travel.
Disjuncture - the context of a video has little or no connection with the lyrics of the song.

Kelis - 'Millionaire' fits the 'Disjuncture' category because she sings about becoming rich and people around her being rich, how she started of poor and has become a millionaire however, the video is simply of children singing along to the lyrics and acting as young innocent children, not adult rich singers.
Illustration - the video of a song tells the story of the lyrics.

Michael Jackson - 'Thriller' fits the 'Illustration' category because the song is about a thrilling time of after midnight when zombies and ware wolves come out - which is exactly what happens during the film. Not only is there a short film at the beginning of the video to help illustrate this, but a narrator reciting a poem helps to highlight the connection between the images in the video and the nature of the song.

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